Say Goodbye to Wrinkles!

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Book your anti-wrinkle appointment with Instabeauty Aesthetics Clinic in Girton, Cambridge and start saying goodbye to your ageing!

We use the Best products in the market to achieve highest quality results

azzalure anti-wrinkle

Our Pricing

Our pricing structure is built to be affordable for everyone

1 Area


Good for first time trying out, or improve one area including one of the following choices:

— Frown lines (Glabella Area)
— Crows feet (Eye Area)
— Brow lift

2 Area

3 Area


Great for preventing wrinkles in the face and relaxing muscle :

— Reduce Gummy Smile
— Frown lines (Glabella Area, Crows feet (Eye Area) and Forehead Area
— Neck lift

Check out our other services price list

Rediscover your youthful glow and embrace a refreshed appearance. Take the first step towards a more confident you by booking your treatment today.

Why anti-ageing treatments near you ?

Reduction of wrinkles:

One of the primary benefits of treatment is the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines, particularly in areas such as the forehead, between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), and around the eyes (crow’s feet). Injections works by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause these wrinkles, resulting in smoother, more youthful-looking skin. This reduction in wrinkles can significantly improve a person’s overall appearance, making them look more refreshed and rejuvenated.

Softening Facial Features:

Injection treatments can also help soften certain facial features that may contribute to an aged or tired appearance. For example, it can be used to relax the muscles responsible for a strong jawline or prominent chin, resulting in a more balanced and softer facial contour. Additionally, can be used to address a gummy smile, by injecting small amounts into the muscles that elevate the upper lip, reducing the amount of gum that shows when smiling. These subtle adjustments can enhance the overall harmony of the face and improve its aesthetic appeal.

Preventing of future ageing signs:

Another advantage of anti-ageing treatments is it’s ability to prevent the formation of future wrinkles and lines. By injecting into specific muscle groups, the repetitive facial movements that contribute to the development of wrinkles are temporarily inhibited. This preventative effect can be particularly beneficial for younger individuals who wish to maintain a youthful appearance or individuals who have noticed early signs of ageing but want to slow down the progression. Regular treatments over time can help preserve the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, delaying the onset of visible ageing signs.